Historical and Genealogical Societies
Grant County Museum and Historical Society
Elbow Lake, MN 56531
Grant County Calendar
10AM to 12Noon, 1PM to 4PM M-F
Additional Summer Hours 10AM to 12Noon, 1PM to 4PM Sat.
Materials available for research include censuses (Federal and State) on
microfilm, naturalization record from 1883-1943, newspapers, histories of
places and people of the county and more.
They will do research of vital records at the courthouse as time allows as
For research they charge $5 per hour in addition to any photocopying charges.
From museum brochure:
The Grant County Historical Museum takes visitors back through time to relive the history of Grant County. A self-guided tour takes you first to prehistoric times as you view fossilized mammoth bones found near Herman. Succeeding displays take you back to the time when Indians, both Sioux and Chippewa, roamed the area that is now Grant County.
Contact with fur traders followed. See the oldest and crudest ox cart known to exist in the state of Minnesota. Made entirely of wood, including the axle, this cart was one of many used by fur traders on their journeys from Pembina to St. Paul to sell furs trapped the previous winter. One of the most used trails followed by the fur traders cut across Grant County.
The year 1868 brough the first permanent settlers to Grant County. Displays at the museum depict the many aspects of pioneer life, from household to agricultural, to transportation. Among these exhibits is the recently acquired stagecoach that traveled many routes within the county. Also on museum grounds are a restored and furnished log cabin, circa 1865, and a rural school house.
End your tour of the museum with a stroll down a small town main street of the early 1900s.
For the historical and genealogical researcher, the Grant County Historical Museum has copies of Grant County newspapers. Obituaries and marriages from these papers have been indexed into a card file for easy reference. Microfilms of the Minnesota Census for Grant County are also available for viewing, as are plat books, photos and other resources. Copies of centennial books for the county's communities are available for sale at the museum as is our newest publication, "The Heritage of Grant County,
Minnesota." This book contains history of the county as well as over 860 biographies of Grant County families.
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Friday, 11 March 2016 10:37
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